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Ease anxiety

Become a stronger, more confident you! 


Sadly the space where these sessions were held has closed. 

If you're looking for breathwork or reiki you can always book a 1-2-1 session with Katie! 
To find out more click here

Put work worries on pause. Leave life stresses at the door. And say goodbye to an overactive brain! 

These sessions are the ultimate self-care! By the end of the 75-minute session, you will feel calmer, stronger, and more confident you!


Anxiety can leave you feeling overwhelmed and unable to make logical decisions. As much as you try to think your way out of a situation it’s not possible to do with an anxious state of mind. Living in a permanent state of ‘fight or flight’ you struggle to make time for yourself. The high stress levels can cause chronic pain, digestive issues and brain fog. And any chaotic situation or event can leave you feeling like you're emotionally unable to cope.


These breathwork sessions are designed to help you feel more in control and like you’re able to cope with high levels of stress. You’ll leave with the ability to make logical and rational decisions in any situation. You’ll experience a quietened mind where your racing thoughts stop. You’ll feel like you’re emotionally able to respond to chaotic moments. And you will have reduced symptoms of chronic pain, digestive issues and fatigue.


These sessions are all delivered by Katie. A certified trauma-informed Breathwork facilitator and Reiki Practitioner. Each week will begin with an explanation of the breathing techniques that will be used during the session. You’ll be instructed on what might happen to you during your breathwork journey. You will then be guided in a 25-minute breathwork journey followed by 20 minutes of meditation. At the end, you will be given the opportunity to share anything that might have come up for you during your journey. To find out more about breathwork and the modalities used, head to the about page


KatieHart.JustBreathe receives 5-star testimonials. Read what others have thought of Katie’s breathwork journeys here. 

To book, scroll to the bottom of the page! 



Additional Information

​Things Katie would highly recommend you bring to your class:


  • A Blanket (you can get cold breathing so it's nice to wrap up warm)

  • Eye Mask (can be a scarf, towel or headband)

  • Water

  • A Journal & Pen (optional, you may want to spend time journalling after the class)


Late Arrivals

When you're late to a session like this, it's often a sign that you need it the most. However, arriving late can be really disruptive for others. If you arrive late to the session you might not be admitted. This is to ensure a safe space isn't being disrupted. If you think you are going to be late please email or WhatsApp Katie as soon as possible so she can try and accommodate your needs.



There are a few things you can do to prepare before a class:

  • Avoid eating a big or heavy meal two hours before

  • Try to avoid caffeine on the day of the class

  • Try to avoid rushing off after the class - you may need to take a little longer to integrate

  • Wear comfortable clothing

  • Avoid alcohol 24 hours before the class

  • You will also be advised not to drink 24-36 after the class



Can anyone do Breathwork?


Breathwork may not be for you if you have the following conditions:


  • Cardiovascular problems

  • High or abnormal blood pressure

  • History of aneurysms

  • Epilepsy or history of seizures

  • Anyone on heavy medication

  • Severe psychiatric symptoms

  • Psychosis or paranoia

  • Bipolar depression

  • Osteoporosis

  • Recent surgery

  • Glaucoma

  • Pregnancy

  • Any person with mental illness who isn’t in treatment or lacks adequate support

  • Anyone experiencing an emotional or spiritual crisis.


This list is not all-inclusive. It is highly recommended that if you have a question about a condition you may have that is not listed, consult a physician before beginning breathwork.

Breathwork for Sports Performance and Anxiety are not a replacement for medical treatment, medication or psychotherapy.

Class Prices

For the first timers
For those who are new to the class



Book a one-off 
For those who have Been before and just want to drop in



Block of 4
Book a block of 4 for £15 per session 


  • Loading days...

    1 hr 15 min

    10 British pounds

  • Loading days...

    1 hr 15 min

    17.50 British pounds

  • Loading days...

    1 hr 15 min


I have never experienced anything quite like this. And I think the effects are felt way after the treatment. As a result of the treatment, a month or so later, I have completely changed my eating habits and I’m sleeping better. I believe this treatment goes so deep that you’re not even aware of how it can change your life


Zee, Actress

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